Include keywords in your heading tags

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Include keywords in your heading tags

Post by rakibhasan »

Using keywords in heading tags is essential for SEO. H1 tag is the most important title of your page, so make sure it reflects the main topic of that page. Every page should have a unique H1 that includes relevant keywords.

Why use keywords in titles?
Improve SEO : Search engines look at titles to understand content.
Improve readability : Clear titles help users easily navigate your content.
Increase Engagement : Well-structured headlines can keep visitors on your page longer.
Best practices for heading tags
Use an H1 tag : Each page should have only one H1 tag.
Include keywords : Insert your namibia whatsapp main keyword in your H1 and H2 tags.
Avoid overstuffing : Don't use too many keywords in your titles, they can compromise your SEO.
Example of correct header structure
Header Level Sample text
H1 Best Running Shoes for Beginners
H2 Key Features to Look for
H3 Comfort and fit
Remember, the goal is to make your content easy to read and understand. Using keywords naturally in your titles will help both users and search engines.

4. Create a Robots.txt file
A robots.txt file is essential for guiding search engines on how to crawl your website. This file helps you control which pages should be indexed and which should be kept private. Here's how to create one:
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