20 Tips for Creating an Instagram Marketing Strategy

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20 Tips for Creating an Instagram Marketing Strategy

Post by Abdur11 »

Next October, Instagram will be twelve years old. However, it left its teenage years behind quite some time ago, because its emergence in the world of Social Networks was meteoric. Its creators developed it with the intention of making it a channel for photography lovers, since its name mixed terms like 'snapshot' and 'telegram'. And it was so successful that, three months after its publication in the Apple app store , it already had more than a million downloads .

Tips for Instagram strategies

Now, according to 'We are social' and 'Hootsuite', it is the thailand telegram second favourite social platform for users around the world and has nearly 1.5 billion users . So, to be as complete as possible, any good marketing strategy worth its salt should include it in its plans.

This is how you can create a complete marketing strategy on Instagram

But how do you do it? Today we bring you 20 tips so you can prepare an adequate marketing strategy on Instagram :


Create a complete (and optimized) profile and set it up as a business profile

Houses must start from the foundations and in this case the first step is to complete your profile properly . Choose a good photo, fill in the requested information, include a link to a website or blog and briefly describe your activity. Oh! And don't forget to define your new account as 'professional' , because if you stay in user mode, it may be a bit short.

Identify the goals you want to achieve

Ask yourself what you are looking for: to reinforce your company's image? To make your products available to an ever-growing audience? To create a large community of users around your brand? It is important to have this clear before outlining your strategy, because this way you will be able to direct your lines of action much better .

Take a look at your competition
It is not about plagiarism, far from it. What we will seek with this is to see how others work, what they share, what works for them and what doesn't. And, of course, analyze both their strengths and weaknesses, because from them we can focus our work . Thus, if we detect a deficiency in others, we can take note and enhance this aspect to distinguish ourselves and offer something unique.
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