I've recommended it before, and early

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I've recommended it before, and early

Post by zihadhasan019 »

On participated heavily (and I'd like to do more of that in the future), but if you're seeking answers from highly authoritative folks in a scalable fashion, this is the spot. I'm really impressed by the quality of many contributions there - the signal to noise is pretty exceptional. Some of the best include: What's more important: release fast or getting it right? Free Trial vs. Freemium Qualities/skills of a CEO #6 - Daring Fireball .

net) Daring Fireball In my ideal world, 5 years from n email database uk ow, when I've been put out to pasture by someone smarter and more capable, or bought out d have a blog like this. Some entries are just links, some are lengthy and thoughtful and all are interesting and worth reading. Author John Gruber also brings a remarkably diverse range of topics to the site and yet somehow, signal to noise remains high. A few recent picks: Google's Meaning of Open (a short, but flawless skewering) The Next iPhone A Liberal, Accurate Regex Pattern for Matching URLs #7 - Steve Blank.

com) Steve Blank A few of Steve's posts are not only relevant, but serve to actually change direction in the executive ranks here at SEOmoz. That's high praise, but if you read the blog, you'll see what I mean. Steve's been there, and his experiences run in shocking parallel to the issues we face or worry about on a regular basis. Even when I disagree with points, the logic and thought he puts into the post makes for a great read and a hard think.
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