" AdWords Boss: "My understanding is no." Exec: "So israel email list what am I supposed to do? We're not going to have money to buy those $10 million in ads next month, you know." AdWords Boss: "You might try talking to someone who does SEO." At this point, consultants receive desperate email or phone messages To help site owners facing these problems, let's examine some of the potential metrics Google looks at to determine indexation (note that these are my opinions, and I don't have statistical or quantitative data to back them up at this time): Importance on the Web's Link Graph We've talked previously about metrics like a domain-level calculation of PageRank (Domain mozRank is an example of this).

It's likely that Google would make this a backbone of the indexation cap estimate, as sites that tend to be more important and well-linked-to by other important sites tend to also have content worthy of being in the index. Backlink Profile of the Domain The profile of a site's links can look at metrics like where those links come from, the diversity of the different domains sending links (more is better) and why those links might exist (methods that violate guidelines are often getting caught and filtered so as not to provide value).