Project Ara They called it a Lego phone

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Project Ara They called it a Lego phone

Post by seoarafatexpate »

We want to talk to you about this in this news article. We have selected 5 of his best ideas of recent years, and one of the worst, thanks to @Startupitalia.

Project Loon
The idea of ​​bringing the Internet to the entire world is a daunting undertaking, which encounters many obstacles. It is a crazy undertaking and, for this reason, it has been proposed in an equally crazy project. Project uk email databaseLoon , where “loon”, in addition to meaning “crazy”, suggests the term “balloon”, was developed in the Google X Lab. It involves using hot air balloons that will remain in the stratosphere at an altitude of 25 km, moving where needed thanks to the winds that blow at that altitude. The balloons form a sort of network between them, which receives communications from the ground, makes them travel from one balloon to another and then sends them back to the surface where they connect to the Network.

Google Earth
The most fascinating Google globe has now entered our daily lives. Born 10 years ago, we use it constantly to understand what our planet is really like. It is a simple but extraordinary project, free and accessible to everyone. The program, in addition to taking us to every remote corner of the planet, also includes the moon, Mars and a panoramic view of the celestial vault. Information, images and videos to learn about our home. Present and future.


In fact, Aro is the first modular smartphone. An innovative platform on which to graft the various individual autonomous modules. Camera included. The goal is to obtain the configuration you most desire by updating it, from time to time, changing only the necessary pieces. Over the last few years it has had a particularly troubled life with announcements of delays and withdrawals. In May, Google had announced that a first kit for developers would be made available within the year, but in September came the news of a new stand-by.
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