In reality, we'll actually calculate the first two, and the third one will be 'everything that is left As we often can't export enough keywords from Google Analytics to do the analysis offline, we will have to use 'Advanced Segments' to do this. This means that we can only group together 'branded terms' and 'head terms' in ways that we can explain through AND and OR statements. The process for doing this goes like this: Plan to create advanced segments that define each group of keywords you want to track Define rules using 'AND' & 'OR' statements that describe which keywords should be in each group Apply these groups each month, one at a time, to the previous month's data, in order to reveal the number of unique keywords.
We'll be using 'regular expressions' - a clever but pr uk email address list etty technical method of defining which items in a set should be included in a particular subset. (More details about them at this site.) The next sections may have particular appeal to the more 'techie' readers (or just those people feeling brave) - so do feel free to just skip down to the end to see screen-shots of these segments applied to the keywords report, if the nitty-gritty isn't your cup of tea.
Creating the 'Branded Terms' Segment If you've not really implemented Advanced Segments before, I suggest starting with Google Analytics' help pages on the topic, but also having a play with the feature, to see how it works. (Really, do have a play. I'm going to assume you at least have understood what most of the main buttons do, and that's a great way to find out.) Planning the Segment Let's use a fictional company, TechNet, who make a product called the Vox9000.
Since this 'rule defining' will take place in Google Analytics' Advanced Segments feature
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