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So how long should your title tags be?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:13 am
by sakibkhan22197
Increased ability to target specific audiences: A title tag like “Healthy Vegan Breakfast Recipes | ABC Health Store” attracts a completely different audience than “High Protein Meatless Recipes | ABC Health Store.”
More chances to rank for long-tail keywords: Using descriptive titles can help you rank for less competitive keywords that your competitors may overlook.
Do not exceed the character limit
Search engines may rewrite or truncate long titles. Like this:

A long title truncated in Google SERP
This could negatively impact your search traffic.


If the edited version is not phone number in korea compelling, fewer people will click on your organic result to visit your page.

It's best to keep your title tags to 60 characters or less. Anything longer is too long for mobile devices.

You can control the character length of your


title tags in Google Sheets with the "LEN" function. It shows you the number of characters in a given cell or string. And it's easy to use:

1. Click the cell where you want to display the character count

A cell next to the selected title in Google Sheets
2. Type "=LEN" and reference your cell inside the parentheses

"=LEN(A2)" entered into cell in Google Sheets
3. Press enter (or return), and you will now see the character count of your title tag