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Much more important than the font size

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:24 am
by rakibhasanbd4723
however, is the scaling. Users can change the font scale in the system settings. The app should respect it.

According to the WCAG Resize Text guidelines, users should be able to resize text by up to 200 percent. Of course, this should be achieved without any loss of content or functionality.

The Android system has supported non-linear buy uk email list font scaling to 200% since version 14. But some manufacturers have their own solutions. Samsung, for example, allows scaling to 200%, even when on older Android versions.

If you use the sp unit, the font size will scale automatically. However, you should also check how the layout looks with large font scales. You can use the @Preview annotation to check it in the Android Studio. For example, to simulate the 200% font scale, you can use the following code:


What can go wrong when the font scale is large? The text can be too long. It can be cut off, wrapped or overlapped with other elements. There is no universal solution for all cases. Yet you can use the following tips:

The most accessible option is to always show the entire text, even if it’s occupying a larger space. In composables like Column or LazyColumn, you should add the verticalScroll modifier: