An algorithm is a set of instructions designed australia phone number for whatsapp to perform a particular task. This can be a simple process,
Such as multiplying two numbers, or a complex operation, such as playing a compressed video file .
Search engines use special algorithms to display the most relevant results from their search index for specific search queries.
To learn more about the algorithm, you can watch this video.
An application programming interface (API) is a set of rules, routines, and protocols for creating applications.
Programs that depend on linking other programs or libraries to our site to bring this service .

We can use it to support APIs to communicate with other programs or services,
Which can be used to create different programs .
Companies like Facebook and Twitter are constantly using APIs to help...
Developers have easy access to their services .
Bug :
A bug is a general term used to refer to an unexpected error or defect in hardware, software, applications, and websites .
This causes performance glitches and produces invalid outputs that may cause failure or unexpected results.
Problems can also cause errors that result in significant financial losses so it is essential to invest in the process.
Finding problems and solving errors before starting work . And having daily and continuous backup copies of software.
object :
A set of variables, information and data that are handled by programming language commands. It can be created
The thing is in programming by code , like making a command explorer window with adding new features.
Object-oriented programming :
Object -oriented programming , also known as OOP, is an advanced programming style in which the type of the data structure is not defined.
Not only that, but also the types of functions that can be applied to them are defined, and through this the data structure becomes something
It consists of data and functions .
Languages that use OOP concepts are Java , Python , C++ , Ruby.
Dos command line interface :
It is a text-based interface used to run programs and operating systems while allowing the user to respond ,
In other words the command line interface allows you to respond with visual prompts by typing commands into the interface and it gives the same result.
To learn more about the command line interface, you can watch this video.
Data types :
It is the classification of a certain type of data. We as humans can distinguish the difference between a name and a number, but a computer cannot .
Therefore, the computer uses special internal codes to distinguish between the different types of data it receives and the operations it is commanded to perform .
Keywords :
They are words reserved by a programming language or program since they have a special meaning for the basic words .
These keywords are reserved for performing specific tasks, and can be either commands or parameters .
Every programming language has a set of reserved keywords that cannot be used as variable names .
Some basic C keywords are turn, while, if, continue, default .
Keywords are also used in search engines to identify sites and pages that are appropriate for user search results.
Front -end :
It is the user interface of a computer or website . For example, any operating system provides users with ease of navigation .
A software or operating system is considered good if the user interface or front end is easy to use and smooth to navigate .
Front-end developers are programmers who design and develop the user interface for a device .
Token :
A token is the smallest individual unit of a program, often referring to a portion of a much larger piece of data .
For example, if a person's name consists of three names, it can be divided into symbols so that each name
It is a token and the programmer can then continue to use only the part or token he wants to use .
Tokens are classified into keywords, identifiers, alphabets, operators, and punctuation marks .