If you've been browsing websites in recent years looking for information on the best WordPress plugins, you've probably come across this one.
Everyone is talking about how amazing it is and how it has revolutionized the blogging world since its inception.
Still don't know what we're talking about? We're talking about Elementor, the trendy plugin.
But this post is not the typical tutorial on how to install and use it… You hotmail email list can find those in abundance on the Internet.
What I want to tell you is which are the best addons for Elementor (both paid and free) and which are the icing on the cake that is this plugin.
If you already think it's great on its own, you're going to be amazed by what we're going to show you.

In case you are not very up to date with the latest WordPress news and don't know what we are talking about, Elementor is a WordPress plugin that falls into the category of visual layout builders.
What does that mean? It allows you to give your website the look you want without any technical knowledge .
That is, it does the same thing as:
Thrive Architect.
Divi Page Builder.
Visual Composer.
And if there are other alternatives, what makes it stand out and deserve a whole post? Its incredible features:
Easy to use: It is very easy to use so anyone (and when we say anyone, we mean anyone) can design their website.
Lightweight: it consumes almost no resources so it does not affect the performance of your website, always achieving a very good score with any tool to measure the website's loading speed .
Open source: a feature that many people overlook, but which is very important to us, because it means that anyone can contribute improvements and that it is constantly evolving.
Responsive: In other words, it makes your website adapt to any device.
The price: we left the best for last and that is that Elementor is free (it has a paid version that unlocks more features)
Do you now understand why everyone is raving about him?
The best addons for Elementor
On its own, the free version of Elementor offers some very interesting features such as:
Create image carousels.
Add a progress bar.
Insert buttons and CTAs .
And a long etcetera ( you can see the complete list here ).
In short, it's more than enough to get you started on your website, but what if we told you it can do even more?
That's right, if everything it offers is not enough for you, you can add new features thanks to its addons.