Real estate clients have many unique characteristics and, perhaps more than most other segments, require personalized service. Technology is essential in this context. When it comes to large-scale sales, it is almost impossible to imagine a service that takes into account all of the client's information and enables a friendly approach without a database, i.e., a history of these clients.
Relationship management software was created to solve uk companies email list problem. There are many CRMs for various market segments, but today I want to present a case that illustrates the need for relationship management software focused exclusively on the real estate market.
We always listen to our customers' stories at CV CRM, because it is through them that our work is built: based on the market's pain points and needs. The Lumis Construtora case study shows, above all, why successful personalized service requires a complete and integrated system, from end to end.
About Lumis Construtora
Successful service
Complete management software
Personalized service
Personalized service and customer history
Real estate services
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About Lumis Construtora
Lumis is a family-owned construction company located in Florianópolis, with over 20 years of experience in the construction industry. It has 33 projects in its portfolio, over 2,150,000 m² built and over R$230 million in sales.
It is very enriching to talk about Lumis, as it is a construction company that has already gone through several phases in the digitalization process and has a very comprehensive knowledge of processes and technology.
The Lumis team came to us when the systems they were using were no longer meeting the company's needs because they were disconnected. In other words, the company needed software that would connect all of these solutions for construction companies into a single system. And one of the great benefits for Lumis when implementing CV was the improvement in the quality of service.
Successful service
One of the challenges faced by Grupo Lumis was ensuring that customers who do not live in Florianópolis receive the same quality of service as those who live closer to them. There is no other way to speed up service or allow customers who live far away to follow the progress of the construction up close other than through an online system.
It is important to remember that customer service goes far beyond the pre-sale stages . When we talk about real estate, we are talking about a product that often takes years to actually reach the customer. Therefore, personalized and quality customer service throughout the customer's purchasing journey , in the construction segment, is even more important than in other segments.
After-sales service is, therefore, just as important, if not more important, than all the other phases of the journey. In the example of the client above, how would he be able to monitor the progress of the work if he lives far away, without the help of digital tools?