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Configure save and resume settings

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 3:41 am
by nusaiba130
To allow the user to save the form progress and continue it later, you need to configure the Save and Resume option.

To do this, go to the Settings » Save and Resume tab in the left menu of the form builder. Then, enable the Enable Save and Resume option .

enable save and resume settings
This will open all the settings to configure the save and bulk sms vietnam resume feature in your WordPress form.

Now, we'll show you how to configure each option one by one.

Customize the Save and Resume link text

The first option you'll see is Link Text . This is the hyperlink text that will be displayed on your form. This way, users will click the link instead of the submit button to save their form progress.

The default text is “Save and Resume Later.” However, you can customize the text to your liking.

save and resume link text
View Disclaimer Page

You can then choose to display a disclaimer message to your users to inform them that their data will be stored. The user can choose to continue or cancel the save and resume option.

You can enable the disclaimer page option to display a message to your users. You will then see a text editor with the default disclaimer message. You can edit the text or leave it as is.