What is Docker Used For?

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[email protected]
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What is Docker Used For?

Post by [email protected] »

Docker Volume: Containers are stateless. That is, they do not keep any state data. If a container is used for a long time in a start/stop manner, you can use it without losing your data. However, this is not in accordance with the nature of Docker. This usage is not a suitable and effective method for Docker. Docker Volume is the auxiliary mechanism used for persistent data that works independently of containers and is managed by Docker.

Docker Engine: Docker Engine is one of the most important components of the Docker platform. It can be described as the heart of the platform. Docker Engine works as a client server application. The client server application can be installed on Windows and Linux machines.

Docker Engine also consists of 3 different components. These are server, REST API, command line interface (CLI). The server, image, container and other components allow the creation of Docker objects and the management thailand mobile phone number of these objects. Communication must be established between the programs and the Docker daemon. This communication is achieved through the REST API. The REST API directs Docker on what to do. The command line interface is responsible for running Docker commands.

Docker terms and components were briefly explained. Knowing these terms was very important for preparation before using Docker. Knowing the components and what they do will help you understand the use of Docker. Up to this point, what is Docker? What are the basic terms related to Docker? What are the differences between Docker and virtual machines? questions were answered. So what does Docker do? Now it's time for this question.

Docker enables applications that run in containers to be easily and quickly put together. It allows applications to be tested and distributed. Docker packages each component used in the software's working process into container units. Examples of components in the software's working process include libraries, runtimes, and work tools.

With Docker, data can be distributed quickly to data environments. You can be sure that the codes are working correctly. Using Docker allows for more comfortable and trouble-free scaling.

When you run Docker on a cloud platform, building, shipping, and running applications will be extremely secure, and the cost will be significantly lower than renting a server.
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