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Benefits of Google Adwords Attribution Changes 2018

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 4:05 am
by rosebaby37123
According to the position: 
As the name suggests, this model gives more or less value to the interaction depending on where it is located. For example, it assigns 40% of the credit to the first and last interaction, while the remaining 20% ​​is distributed across the rest of the interaction.

What is it for? The goal of this model is to evaluate where the user experience begins and where it ends until the conversion occurs. In addition, you will be able to measure which of your channels are most effective when closing the process.

Decline over time: 
Time decay is another of the attribution changes in Google Adwords 2018. This model assigns a value to each interaction that occurs in the conversion path. However, it gives greater importance to clicks that occur closer to the conversion.

What is it useful for? Well, it will help you measure the impact of campaigns that last one or two days. In this case, it will assign a higher value to the interactions or clicks you receive during the campaign and that help to complete the conversion.

Based on data: 
This is one of the major changes to Google AdWords attribution in 2018, as this system uses an account's conversion data to calculate the real contribution of each click. It also considers what users do before converting and the behavior of users who do not convert.

How does it do this? Well, the tool analyses the search history of the customers who make the conversion: keywords that the customer used to search will have a higher conversion value, as will the more they are related to the brand.

What is it for? This model will allow you to know which words or outlook email lists data your customers search for lead them to your brand, and how directly they do so.

Most advertisers measure online advertising success based on the “last click.” This means they give all credit for a conversion to the ad that received the last click or the corresponding keyword. However, this option does not take into account other clicks that customers may have made along the way.

Google AdWords 2018 attribution changes give you more control over how much credit each ad and keyword receives for your conversions. This will allow you to do the following:


Reach customers early in the buying cycle:  You’ll find opportunities to influence your customers early in their path to conversion.
Finding the right template for your business:  Use the template that best fits the way users search for what your business offers.
Improve your bid:  Optimize your bids based on a better understanding of your ad performance.

Now that you know the Google Adwords 2018 attribution changes, I will give you some recommendations that will help you choose the most appropriate model for your brand. Let's see:

Depending on your budget and objectives, you should choose the model that best suits your business.