Deals, discounts, coupons, group buying? They all help you buy and sell better

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Deals, discounts, coupons, group buying? They all help you buy and sell better

Post by sohanuzzaman56 »

Coupons on milk cartons, cereal bags, those handed to us on the street, those we cut out of magazines at hair salons or newspapers at the bar, and now we have digital coupons as well. With traditional coupons, citizens of the United States saved more than 3.5 billion dollars . But this commercial tool has also arrived on the web for some time now: with fun designs, tempting offers and easy payment and use. Don't you know any?

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Today we talk about four of them: Cuponing, Offerum, Letsbonus and Cuponeo


Cuponing: a very new venture founded by David Bastida. Currently, offers chinese overseas british number data can only be obtained for the city of Madrid. The way Cuponing works is as follows: every day an exclusive offer is offered for a city on all kinds of activities and establishments at unbeatable prices. Once the minimum number of participants has been reached, the discount will be activated so that those who have registered for said offer can enjoy it whenever they want within a period of 3 months. In addition, for each friend who joins the offer, the registered person will receive a 3 euro credit to spend on Cuponing. If the minimum number indicated is not reached, the price of Cuponing will not be charged to the credit card. Cuponing offers discounts of up to 70% on its usual price.


Offerum: focuses on offering discounts for events and leisure activities, looking for group offers on a weekly basis with discounts of up to 80%. These offers are temporary and can only be purchased within a certain period of time. The driving force behind this project is Sacha Fuentes . Offerum achieves great discounts thanks to the power of collective purchasing (buying in a group is buying cheap), which is why the offer is only valid if enough people buy it while it is running. It is possible to invite friends and family via Facebook, Twitter or email and then, together, the discount is activated. Once the offer has ended, whoever has signed up receives the offer in their email with the personalized coupon that they must present at the establishment. If the offer has not been activated, due to not having reached the minimum number of purchases, Offerum returns the purchase money.


Letsbonus, one of the pioneering sites in collective purchasing, is present in 8 Spanish cities: Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Bilbao, Zaragoza, Malaga and Murcia and its Facebook page Letsbonus Barcelona has more than 19,000 followers who actively participate in comments about current offers.


Cuponeo has been one of the e-commerce sites awarded at the last online commerce event in Barcelona, ​​e-Commerce Retail Show, which, as a differential value, presents an iPhone app that allows geolocation of offers. Its founder Maria Trullàs (who has Albert García Pujades as advisor) is also the founder of the communications agency Vibe Comunica, SCP.

According to what I read in Error500, an important aspect of the collective purchasing model is the need for a critical mass ; if there is no minimum number of sales, then it is not effective. If the outlets are what brands achieve by liquidating stocks and saving that cost, restaurateurs find value in collective purchasing sites to "fill" the days with less demand and make themselves known, sacrificing a large part of their margin. Just as fashion brands will not be interested in outlet shopping prevailing as a consumer habit in the long run, it is logical that there is a lot of rotation among the offers of collective purchases to avoid positioning themselves as an establishment with permanent offer.

( Searching on Slideshare, I found this presentation on Trends in the Promotional World , by IdeasforChange , which is worth checking out , in case you want more)
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