The Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Strategy launched by the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Social Security includes, among its short-term measures, the provision of training programmes aimed at obtaining professional certificates and another training modality in which, in addition to obtaining the certificate, a commitment to hiring by the requesting entities is included.
The objective: to improve the employability, qualification and professional integration of young people.
In order to access it, it is mandatory to register in the Youth Guarantee File. The requirements that you must meet to register and benefit from the Youth Guarantee System are:
Be between 16 and 30 years old.
Have Spanish nationality or be citizens of the Union or of the States party to the European Economic Agreement or Switzerland who are in Spain exercising free movement and residence.
Foreigners who hold a permit to reside in Spanish territory that enables them to work may also register.
Be registered in any town in the Spanish national territory.
Not having worked in the last 30 calendar days prior to the date of submission of the application.
Not having received educational actions in the last 90 calendar days prior to the date of submission of the application.
Not having received training actions in the last 30 calendar days prior to the date of submission of the application.
Acquisition of a commitment to active participation.
You can easily sign up by clicking on this link . Or if you prefer, you can contact us directly on the free phone number 900 100 957 and we will help you do it. All Youth Guarantee courses for young people are 100% free . With them you can do internships in companies, get an Official Degree and multiply your employment opportunities .
Furthermore, when we talk about our courses for young people enrolled in the Youth Guarantee Programme, we mention the possibility of obtaining an employment contract at the end of the course. How does this work? In these courses there is a contracting commitment , which although not for 100% of the students, will be of benefit to a large number of them.
How many students get a job contract?
At least 30% of all students who participate and complete Youth Guarantee courses will have access to an employment contract.
How can I be selected?
In order to be eligible for the selection process, candidates must have successfully completed the course and have carried out the associated internships appropriately. In addition, it is necessary to have a profile that fits the positions for which they are applying. Your knowledge and your attitude will be the key.
Who selects the companies where you will work?
The entity that provides the training is the one that searches for companies, both for non-work placements and for the employment contract. If the student knows of a company where he or she can or wants to carry out both the placement and the employment contract, he or she can let us know and provide us with the contact information for the company to assess whether he or she meets the requirements and start the collaboration.
Once the course has finished, the entities that have committed to hiring the colombia mobile phone numbers database students generally have 3 months to make the incorporation of the students into the company effective .
What can my work day be like?
The contract may be for an indefinite period or for a temporary duration and the working day may be full-time or part-time.
How long will the contract last?
The duration of the contract will be at least 6 months in the case of full-time work and 9 months in the case of part-time work .
I hope I have resolved your doubts about this type of training projects.
If you meet the requirements to be a beneficiary of the Youth Guarantee System, we encourage you to train with us . Take a look to see if you can find the course that best suits you
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Category: Employment
Tags: training Youth Guarantee employment employment contract Employment Contract Job Job Opportunity entrepreneurship Youth employment Youth employment