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84. Launch a survey and highlight the key

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 5:05 am
by zihadhosenjm80
84. Launch a survey and highlight the key findings
Blog Ideas Launch a Survey
Conducting your own research results in unique data that your readers won’t be able to get afghanistan phone number material else, making these blog post ideas some of the most stand-out pieces of content online today. Come up with a poll that’s focused on your niche and share the results with your readers for a truly unique take.

85. Compile a list of the top podcasts about your industry
Blog Post Ideas Top Podcasts
Podcasts have exploded in popularity over the last few years. It’s the perfect medium for busy professionals looking to learn new things. You can listen to them on your way to work, while you take your afternoon jog, or put one on while you’re making dinner.

Pick a few shows related to your niche and share the links in a series of blog post ideas, or all at once in one epic guide. Better yet, consider starting a podcast of your own and I can guarantee the guests you talk with will inspire even more content ideas to cover.

86. Build a bullet list of the top facts and statistics about your nicheBlog Post Ideas List of Facts
One of the easiest and most evergreen blog post ideas you can write is a list of facts. Spend a few nights researching the most interesting or shocking facts and statistics about your industry and lay them out in a bullet list divided by topic.