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Once Campaign Influence has been set up in Salesforce

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 10:33 am
by akiyaaa
Additional note: Record Preference - this specifies whether to create all records or only when the attribution is greater than 0%. This field is always checked for ‘All Records’ for custom models.

5. Next, navigate to the user section and click the User detail page. Click the Related list called ‘Permission Set License Assignments’ and click ‘Edit Assignments’. Select the CRM user by clicking their name to enable the permission set and click ‘Save’.

6. Navigate to Setup > Manage Users > Permission Sets and create a new permission set with the ‘Campaign Influence’ permission. To do so click ‘New‘, in the name enter ‘Campaign Influence’, the API name should auto-populate and also remember to enter a description.

7. Next, you need to select the Permission Set Licence. Here ecuador phone numbers you can select ‘Sales User’ or ‘CRM User’, then click Save. Then, open the new permission set you’ve just created and tick the checkbox to enable permission ‘Campaign Influence’ on the permission set on the App Permissions.

Screenshot of campaign influence permissions
8. We now want to select the names of the users we want associated with that permission set. Click on ‘Manage Assignments’ > ‘Add Assignments’ and select the users to assign.

9. Next, we need to add the Campaign Influence Object to the Opportunity Page Layout. To do this navigate to ‘Object Manager’ > ‘Opportunity’ > and select ‘Page Layouts’. Here we can add the Campaign Influence Related Lists to the Opportunity Page Layout.

It is important to remember that this related list shows the campaigns that have touched the opportunity and only campaign influence records from your primary influence model appear on the list. Select ‘Related Lists’ > ‘Campaign Influences’ then drag and drop to where you want it on the Opportunity Page Layout. Click ‘Save’. This related list will show the Opportunities that have touched your campaigns.

10. Finally, add the Influenced Opportunities to the Campaign Page Layout. These steps are similar to step eight, navigate to ‘Object Manager’ > ‘Campaign’ > ‘Page Layout’ and select ‘Related Lists’ > click ‘Influenced Opportunities’. Once you’ve decided where you want this list to live on the campaign page layout, drag and drop it into the correct section and click Save. The Influence Opportunity list shows the Opportunities that have touched the campaign.

B2BMA multi-touch attribution dashboard
Campaign Influence now lets you see your attribution results in the form of related lists or reports, which means you can see which campaigns influenced deals straight from Salesforce.
the additional three models should be visible on the Multi-Touch Attribution dashboard within 24 hours.

Screenshot of B2BMA multi-touch attribution dashboard
By incorporating Campaign Influence with your Multi-Touch Attribution dashboard, you can pull your data into a visual view, clearly identifying which of your marketing initiatives are most successful by reviewing the different influence models for correlations between Contact, Opportunity, and Campaigns.

Salesforce Campaign Influence models
First Touch Model
This model assigns 100% of influence and revenue earned to