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Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:26 am
by nishat695
“Centre-based” and “community-based” line items have been removed and replaced by a single line item that does not name the support location.

A new “Centre Capital Cost” ($2.15 p/h in non-remote areas) item has been introduced and is to be claimed together with the appropriate support line item, to cover capital costs such as maintenance of the centre.

NDIS July 2020 price guide: CANCELLATION
The increase of claimable cancellation fees from ghana phone numbers 90% to 100% as introduced in response to COVID-19 remains. The definition of ‘short notice’ however will change back to the pre-COVID-19 rules (two clear business days’ notice for support less than 8 hours / less than $1000 and if the provider cannot find alternative billable work).

NDIS July 2020 price guide: NON-LABOUR TRAVEL COSTS
37 new line items have been added, allowing providers to charge plans for non-labour travel costs. These expenses can be charged in addition to the worker’s travel time for up to $0.85/km for a vehicle that is not modified, as well as other forms of transport (public transport, road tolls, etc.).

NDIS July 2020 price guide: ESTABLISHMENT FEE
Providers of personal care and participation supports (including Specialist Supported Employment) can as of July 2020 charge a once-off establishment fee if they are supplying a minimum of 20 hours per month for 3 or more consecutive months. The fee is set at $543.