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We recommend that you:

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 3:45 am
by rosebaby37123
The ideal is to call, but not all leads will be willing or able to answer your call for various reasons.

So the recommendation is that you call them up to three times and if they don't seem to answer, you can then send them an email.

An email is much more visual than a phone call and the lead will have enough time to think about what you are offering.

However, there are many things to consider when sending an email, such as the fact that the first one may not be answered or it may end up in spam, so you should be prepared to send several emails without gambling email list overwhelming them.

Day 2: Send more emails if you still don't have a response.

Third time's the charm, so try sending three emails, but not too many in a row, to try to get their attention.

So here creativity must be the fundamental pillar, and the message must be oriented to what the lead really needs.


Explain the reason why you are contacting your lead in the first lines of the email.
Ask them for something that is quick and easy to do.
You must focus 100% on the needs of your leads, so you must offer them something of value that contributes to the solution of the problem they have.

You should also make it clear that your intention is to talk about it and not to sell something.

Day 3: Be persistent if the lead hasn't responded.

If you've even left voicemails of your call attempts and all three emails and still haven't heard back, be patient!

The recommendation is to wait four more days before trying again, but this time, re-energize your offer, slightly change the tone, and perhaps the design of the email.

And if after that second attempt you have not received a response, wait another four days and try the same thing.

Remember to make clear your intention to help him with his problem by talking first.

Never use an irritated tone, but do mention the value you could provide to satisfy their need.

Day 4: Breakup email.

According to Hubspot research , breakup emails have a high response rate for marketers.

You have to know when enough is enough, and this email is about letting the lead know that you tried to reach out but maybe now isn't the best time to talk and you don't want to bother them.

This would be the notification that you will not contact your lead ever again, so it can be a clear warning, and even an indirect call to action if they are interested in what you offer.

Follow-up email examples
To give you a much broader approach to how to follow up with your leads through emails until the sale is closed, we leave you with some examples or models to inspire you and achieve the desired conversion.

These are the emails we send from Genwords.