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The following strategies

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:08 am
by munnaf642349
The first thing to point out is the potential for deception. Jesus warned his men that they needed to lament deception. Even the disciples could be drawn in by the things they could hear and see. That potential still exists.

That is why you and I need to be grounded in the Word of God. We need to be familiar with what the Bible says and what we believe, 1 Pet. 3:15. We need to have our doctrine firmly nailed to our hearts, so that when deceptions come, we can be faithful to stand up for the Lord.)

1. v. 6 There Will Be False Messiahs-Jesus said that many false Christs would come and draw many to perception. By the time of Jesus, several Jews had come claiming to be Themesiah. There were some who singapore phone directory search by number were alive even during the time of Christ. Many more have followed over the years.

Acts 5:36-37 admonishes two would-be Messiahs who lived before the time of Jesus. One was named Theudus. He claimed he could split the Jordan River. He deceived about four hundred people and led them to their deaths. Another was named Judas Galileo. He was a radical anti-Roman revolutionary and founded the Zealot movement in Israel. One of the Lord’s disciples, Simon the Zealot, was one of his followers.

After the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, many more Messiahs came to prominence in Israel. One of them was a man named Simon Bar-Kochba. He started a rebellion that lasted three years and cost thousands of lives in Israel. His revolt led to a harsh Roman crackdown that left Jerusalem in ruins.