Why are 31% of desktop search results not visible on mobile?

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Why are 31% of desktop search results not visible on mobile?

Post by Irfanabdulla1111 »

Well, I read a few months ago that about 50% of all search results are taken from mobile indexing, which may explain why 31% of desktop searches are not visible on mobile.

It ties in with the fact that people are designing mobile more around things like user experience and purchase intent, meaning desktop searches tend to have more information on the pages and are more tailored to those people searching for information.

Why do only 10% of URLs manage to maintain the same position on mobile and desktop?
For me, factors like CTR and many other things will always be higher on mobile devices, simply because a lot of people access websites from mobile devices, so these smaller parts of the algorithm will carry more weight and could potentially result in higher rankings on mobile versus desktop.

Things like loading speed and a good mobile experience are important aspects and again, people are working more on them.

And it could also be, from what I've heard, that about 50% of Google's search results are coming from mobile indexing, and this increase means we have a more stable set of URLs across desktop and mobile devices.

Is it crucial to rank well on both devices in search results? Is a “good” desktop position just as “goodour email database list research shows you just how tough it can be to compete on mobile, and the importance of staying on top.

Desktop vs mobile, that is the question. What do you think about our study? Let's discuss it in the comments!
” as a mobile position?
I think it makes sense to rank highly on both, because you never know where your next customer will come from, so ranking as high as possible on both will give you a better chance of driving the customer to your site.

As the statistics suggest, more and more people are using mobile in most cases, so I like to work on that side as a priority, but I wouldn't ignore desktop by any means, as I personally still get a lot of traffic from it.
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