That being said, to accurately understand how much this

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That being said, to accurately understand how much this

Post by zihadhasan019 »

Traffic is worth, you need to find out the cost of this traffic per visitor. Cost Per Visit from Yahoo! Answers This data is available as an interactive Excel spreadsheet here. The conversion rates for traffic from Yahoo! Answers are lower than those of PPC traffic, but the cost per visit is less. So to accurately compare them, we do some more number crunching: Cost Per Lead Conversion - PPC vs.

Yahoo Answers (For privacy reasons I unfortu russia email list nately can't give you all the PPC data I would like to.) So basically, for Best Buy Metals, it makes sense to continue spending time answering questions on Yahoo! Answers. Important tip: Don't rush out to Yahoo! Answers and answer every question with a link to your website at the end! Answer relevant questions in a non-spammy relevant way. Then include your website as a source at the end. You are the source, as a representative of your company, so this is not deceptive, and people don't mind it.

You can check out my Yahoo Answers profile here. Coming soon... How to use Yahoo! Answers in a way that benefits your company and the Yahoo! Answers community - The complete guide. To make a valuable impact, SEO has to be understood by more than just an organisation's search marketers. This post suggests how to explain the concepts, and get buy-in, from different people within an organisation. I've chosen some of the standard roles that you may find in a company or organisation with a web-presence and for each one have listed: Their role: a description of their position within the company and their responsibilities.
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