Tips for coping with teleworking
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March 27, 2020
Written by Felipe Martinez Rodriguez
Given the situation we are experiencing as a result of the Coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic, it is necessary to take care of each other and implement the teleworking modality as much as possible. This is a great challenge, and that is why we give you some tools to be able to carry it out in the best possible way and thus achieve a balance between fulfilling our work, with the available resources and respecting rest spaces.
Some reminders:
Remember that being in quarantine means not leaving the house unless strictly necessary! Let's take care of each other! #StayHome
Remember that we all have to support each other, and if you need anything, you can count on us in that sense.
Maintaining daily communication and coordination with your team and family is essential.
We can also think about this situation to think of opportunities to continue delivering our products and/or services through different means. Let's be creative! Let's think outside the box!
Regarding work…
If possible, choose a place where you will always work.
It is recommended that it not be the same room where you sleep: Try to create a boundary between work and personal life!
If you can't, try to visually separate the two spaces.
Keep your workplace as clean and tidy as possible.
Respecting a work schedule and having a structure for your day will help you not to lose control of your time and not get distracted as much as possible!
Even if you stay in the same place, it is important that outside of these hours you singapore phone number list disconnect and do your personal activities/routines.
Before starting we recommend:
Take a shower.
Make the bed.
Change your clothes; if you stay in your pajamas, you won't have a difference between personal and professional life.
Organize and prepare the workplace.
During work we recommend:
Plan what you will do each day:
It is very important that you respect the 3 meals of the day!
Don't eat lunch in front of the computer, use another space or close the computer during this time. Breaks are necessary!
Take breaks and make yourself a tea/coffee in the morning and another in the afternoon.
Whether it is a moment of relaxation or leisure, it is not recommended to do housework in these spaces.
If you have the chance, get some sun.
Set deadlines for all your goals and objectives, and create milestones that allow you to track them, always being realistic!
Take care of communication with your team, suppliers and clients! These are difficult times and it is important to stay in touch both for work and personal matters! The most important thing is to take care of ourselves.
Upon completion:
Store everything that is used for work.
Close your computer, keep your work tools out of sight.
This should set the tone for us: “We have finished working.”
Imagine that the office is closed, do not go in to clean the area or check emails, try to respect the times and spaces.