Reviewing historic content topic concentration

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Reviewing historic content topic concentration

Post by bhasan01854 »

However, I’ve also included a few ways these can be used to help your SEO team. Why are content audits useful? A content audit done once to highlight current issues with a website as part of the pitching process, and then consumed by a wider strategy, will have a short shelf-life of usefulness. However, a content audit that is continuously updated and used to guide next steps has multiple uses, including: 1. An insight into the past When you take on the management of a website, you might not have the opportunity to speak with the person who managed it before you.

You may be able to gain some insights from the site owner, but it is extremely rare that you get the full picture. A content audit can help you piece together some additional information. The call-to-action on the page, for examp cayman islands phone number database le, will show what the previous content manager was hoping to achieve. Where the content is placed on the site will also give you some information: Top-level pages will rarely be end-funnel pieces Product pages will often be sales-orientated Blog posts with internal links will show what pages your predecessor was trying to strengthen.

Etc.can also guide you on which product type or services were the most important to either the previous manager or the business owner. This can help you ascertain whether it’s a focus worth continued investment, or if you should move on to something else entirely. 2. Ascertaining at which point content is picked up and becomes successful It’s easy to write-off (see what I did there?) a content project as failed if you don’t see success in the first few weeks or months of publication.
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