Here’s an example of an informative infographic that can be used as a content upgrade to share even more data and content in a visually appealing format. lead generation content upgrade email infographic Infographics can include data visualizations like charts and graphs to share numbers, text blocks to share snippets of content, flowcharts to map out steps to complete a task, and more. 14. Scripts If you’re telling your audience how to do something in your blog post that involves communicating with others, creating a content upgrade that gives them exact scripts to use to help them out.
script by Career Contessa. They’ve compiled a script for their audience to master when they’re looking to negotiate a raise with their boss. lead generation content upgrade email denmark business email database script Other ways to do this can be text message scripts for realtors, scripts to help lower cable bills, and more. 15. Templates On a similar note, creating templates (spreadsheets, emails, etc.
) can also help your audience complete the task at hand more easily. They’ll be thankful for your business for helping make it as easy as possible. While email outreach tool Respona includes email subject line templates within their blog post, other sites like CoSchedule share various templates as a content upgrade, as you see below. lead generation content upgrade email templates Templates can be spreadsheets, editorial calendars, email templates and more, and these are great ways to offer a content upgrade alongside your blog content.