Empowerment: Motivation and Leadership

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Empowerment: Motivation and Leadership

Post by Bappy12 »

Empowerment refers to the process by which the spiritual strength of individuals and communities is increased to promote beneficial changes for the group in the situations in which they live. It involves the development of confidence in the beneficiary's own abilities and actions. (Source: Wikipedia)

What is clear is that there are no magic recipes when it comes to people management and what works at one moment may no longer be useful over time. However, applying common sense and having the necessary allies will make this path easier.

The definition of empowerment is to delegate power and authority to workers and to make them feel that they are the owners of their work in a coherent way. The basis is that employees have their own power to make decisions about their job without the need for authorization from a superior .

Motivation is a key factor: having a good leader at the head of your company will ensure that each and every task carried out has the highest level of involvement from the workers. And this will inevitably be reflected in the final results and in the evolution of the business.

The basis of empowerment , therefore, is equality between power and responsibility, in which there must be control over working conditions and responsibility for performance in the same.

The typical pyramid-shaped leadership system, in which the boss or brazil mobile phone numbers database superior is the one who gives the orders and the employees follow his orders , is left behind . This archaic method has given way to a new work system in which the boss becomes the leader and is equal to his employees in decision-making in order to work as a team.

Do you want to know the 7 key factors to foster motivation in your work team? Keep reading then:

1. Define and communicate with passion the business vision and mission
These two concepts must be perfectly defined and the company's strategy will be based on them. Management must know how to communicate them to its employees and believe in them so much that they are capable of transmitting them with passion.

2. Have clear objectives
Nothing helps employees more than having a clear idea of ​​the purpose of their work. Knowing what they contribute to the company and how they contribute to making things work is an important element that reinforces motivation. Work teams are not islands in the middle of the ocean, they are parts of a whole, and each piece is necessary to complete a puzzle.

3. Work towards a stable and positive work environment
It is about establishing social policies that help reconcile work and family and/or that encourage the existence of free time for employees. A healthy life in which episodes of stress are minimized will help workers to be happier and, consequently, more productive in their working day.

4. Everyone should know what they have to do
We were talking earlier about clear and realistic objectives. Well, there must also be a clear assignment of responsibilities, in which everyone does their tasks, even if they are shared.

5. Communication
The day-to-day running of the organisation, major news or events, structural changes, etc., are facts that should be known by all employees. This will help them to better understand their company, the reasons for certain decisions and, above all, it provides peace of mind and a stable relationship.

6. Training
Keeping employees ' knowledge up to date and encouraging the development of key skills is essential. This is an investment with a double benefit:

We will create a template suitable for each stage of the organization without traumatic changes.
Motivated and grateful employees.
7. Remuneration
It is sometimes a taboo subject within the company, but work is the main source of income for employees. A balance is sought between professional development and economic independence. Variable remuneration policies can be implemented based on business objectives or results, awards, non-monetary extras such as events, corporate meetings, etc. It is a matter of testing what works best according to the values ​​of the organization and the personality of those who are part of it.
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