What is an insight?, you ask, staring into my pupil with your blue pupil...

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What is an insight?, you ask, staring into my pupil with your blue pupil...

Post by alomgirhossain212 »

Jokes aside, the truth is that there are almost as many definitions of insight as there are marketing theorists. Literally, insight is "vision" in Spanish. It is the key that helps us find a solution to a problem, or that truth about the client that not even the client knows, or an innate behavior that we are not aware of doing...

But beyond looking for the perfect definition, what interests us is to see its poten philippines telegram tial impact on our brand : does it really help us to change our marketing? According to this criterion, we can say that insights meet the following characteristics:

They uncover a fundamental truth about potential customer behavior.
They give us a new way of seeing the world, which makes us re-examine existing conventions and question whether they are useful.
They are an observation of people's actions that make us see consumers from a different perspective.
They reveal the hidden motivations behind people's actions.

What is not an insight
Sometimes it seems that "insight" has become the catch-all word of marketing, applicable to everything and everyone, just as "synergy", "strategy" or "innovation" were in their day. But the lack of clarity in the concepts makes the words lose their meaning and end up being useless.

To avoid confusion, let's look at and clarify three common mistakes regarding insights.
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