Discovering the profile of inertic consumers and clients

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Discovering the profile of inertic consumers and clients

Post by RafiRiFat336205 »

Not long ago I came across a new marketing label to define a new segment of the population, the inercists . This segment is made up of a group of people who, after the economic crisis and due to its consequences, continue to maintain the inertia of purchases, although?

Inercists are people who continue to buy the same number of products, but who invest much less money in these same purchases. In other words, they change the characteristics of the products they now buy, since they can make smaller investments due to having fewer economic resources. Not long ago, these people bought a larger quantity of products; now, after having less money for these purchases, they continue to buy the same quantity but of a smaller product.

Given this form of commercial behavior, we could draw a number of conclusions regarding this new segment of customers, things such as:

There is a compulsive component to their purchases, so marketing all mobile name list for many of these people has to be aimed at that very thing, at provoking the shopping urge.
For the less money they have available, they will lean towards other brands where value is the lowest price factor.
The satisfaction of this segment is found in the purchase itself much more than in the product that is purchased.
They have probably changed their business establishment and have opted to use the Internet to make their purchases in many cases.
The inercists cannot stop, excuse the redundancy, the inertia continues towards purchases under the conditions that are given.
It seems to me that they must be a segment that is difficult to retain.
The purchasing process and the experiences they live will have greater specific weight in the decision to buy than the product offered, as long as it fits the budget.
That is why shopping (purchase process) is more important than the products themselves.
Personally in general and psychologically in particular, we will find certain neurotic traits in a significant percentage of the segment we are discussing.
Certain traits of emotional deficiencies
And some emotional disorders marked in his sometimes compulsive personality
They find pleasure predominantly in the way they obtain the products, not in the "benefits" they offer.
In short, we are talking about a segment of customers that are still interesting for many brands, the only difference is that now this segment chooses other brands than those they preferred before the crisis, different brands to those they bought some time ago. So these new brands are the ones that have to develop marketing campaigns, as we said, more focused on the sales process than on the products to offer them. They are people who need that "leisure time" or shopping experience, I insist more than the product they are going to buy, but it is a niche that many establishments and brands can undoubtedly make profitable, and the fact is that inercists are truly passionate about shopping.
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