Kanban Methodology: what is it, how to use it and why?

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Kanban Methodology: what is it, how to use it and why?

Post by bitheerani319 »

Kanban is a system for controlling and managing the production flow of a corporation or its projects. It is known for its colorful cards and for being highly visual, which ensures greater clarity for the company regarding its tasks, needs, etc.

Learn now about the Kanban Methodology applied to administrative routines, what it is for and how to optimize your company's task flow with this method.

What is the Kanban Methodology?
Life is hectic, isn't it? The pace of business is not the same as it was california real estate agent email list free ago: new roles, high expectations, deliveries for yesterday, tight deadlines, staff reductions, increased competition - there are several situations that make the corporate routine hectic.

In this rush, employees' productivity and quality of work can decrease, causing losses for companies. HR and management can intervene in this context to avoid wasting employees' talent and help them organize their routine, using, for example, strategies to manage their tasks.

The Kanban methodology is a system for organizing tasks, classifying them according to their progress status and priority level. It is a very simple but effective method: a board/visual element with tasks, divided into three columns - to do, in progress, and completed. As each action is completed, the obligation is moved to the next stage.

Easy, right? Kanban is a method that helps users see clearly and in an orderly manner the work they need to do, without becoming disorganized or out of control, thus having greater control over their tasks and better visualizing their progress. All of this is intuitive, as there are no big mysteries: anyone can adopt this methodology in their daily lives.

This tool was developed by Toyota, focused on the company's inventory management and related to lean thinking. However, both Kanban and the other strategy were adapted to different contexts, including administrative ones, with the emergence of the lean office . David J. Anderson is one of those responsible for systematizing the concept of this organizational model for the administrative routines of companies.

There are 3 principles that guide the Kanban Methodology:

1- Start with what you do now: you don’t need major changes to implement this strategy, you can adapt it to your normal workflow.
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